My dear old friend – we have been on many a journey together. I would never have ventured to the places in Australia without you.
You have been my old faithful and for that I thank you.
Because of you I made an effort to go to many places in Western Australia – we travelled to Geraldton, Denmark, Kojonup, Bunbury, Mandurah often, Darkan, Toodyay and many other places I would never have visited without you.
Sadly our journey together ended on Tuesday and I will never forget you. But as age creeps up on us all, sadly we cannot go on forever.............
To my old white Toyota Corona '85 I have to say cheerio, you done me well.
So what’s new in the car field then????
Hmmmm, well I need something that’s economical but will also comply with all my needs and requirements – of course along with the dog’s needs and requirements (this is a must).
Well what has replaced the old faithful then, nothing too exciting really, just something small and reliable and will get me from A to B, or in my case with the dogs from A to Z.
The funny thing is it was the first car I saw. I wasn’t sure what I wanted – quite clueless in fact. I went to a yard and saw it along with 1 other of a different sort. I left the car yard and had a look at a few others – same make and a range of others too – I ended up going back to the first one I spotted. Fate if you will.
As I claim not to be a material person (after having Diva who was one of the most destructive pups known to date I learned not to cherish material things J ) I wasn’t after anything flashy with all the bling so my non-materialistic heart was won over with.................................................
OMG I Love it - not got a "name" yet but me wee Rav 4 has made me a material person again :-)
It's worked out really well for the dogs too. When I saw it I thought the boot was really small and would just be able to fit wee Minmin in and that would be it
The back seats fold down completely flat so I can fit in at least 3 crates in the back
Well I picked it up on Tuesday and got prepared to go training on Tuesday night
No probs for the big man - what was I worrying about?
You see the other problem was Samroc has always sat in the front seat beside me - since he was 6 weeks old, a little bundle of fur who started off sitting on my lap as we drove and then eventually as he got bigger his spot was the passanger front seat.
So we drove around the block and he was absolutely fine. I think he did think at first hang on woman I've got a grate thing here blocking me from getting in the front beside you - but then the view from being higher up on the road allowed him to see a heck of a lot more that sitting in the car.
We got home and I put Sambo back in the house and loaded up the girls - it's heaps more room than I thought.
The girls seem to like it too - good.
Emmm mum this is my spot and nope I'm not sharing with the ratbags.....
Yeh right big man - this is the Diva car.............
Whatever you 2 - mum said the boot was only just big enough for me so this is my spot - talk to the paw!!!!!
But what about when I take them all to the river together - will the 3 of them be able to fit or am I going to have to take out the grate, fold down the seats, put in crates - or not?????
I said I didn't want to share the back, no I said it first, well I'm the oldest and biggest so I still think this should be for me only......
They all can fit in nice - and stand up or lie down with pleanty of space to be comfy, phew.
Also Samroc jumps in and out as if it was on the ground - mega phew!!!!!
OK then, there's heaps of room for all of us, lets share and pose for the camera - cheese :-)))
Now I can relax and drive in comfort - my year has already begun, yeah baby!!!!!!!
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