Monday, November 10, 2008

The starting of Blogging

Well I've decided to do a Blog as it is much easier to maintain than my website - BTW if you want to go and sign my guest book :-))

Well since this is my first post I'll have a bit of a natter about me and my dogs.

I'm Jules (21yo - yeh right) and I do agility and jumping with my fur family. I dabble in sheep herding from time to time. Both are very enjoyable and very different - agility is easier to get to train for me so most of my time goes into training agility. Hopefully win lotto and I can stop working and do more sheep herding :-)

So at the moment I have got 3 dogs (come back to that). Samroc Gem of Jewels (Working Border Collie all the way from Bonnie Scotland), Mac's Disco Diva (Working Border Collie from Kojonup, WA) and Mini Minx (German Koolie X, from the APS rescue). The "at the moment" part is added because I hope to have a Sam/Diva pup next year, fingers x'd and will keep the update posted.
Well enough blabering and get some photos posted of the fur kids :-))

Samroc, Mini and Diva

Mini, Samroc with son Rocstar and Diva

Sam, Mini & Diva down at the farm in Kojonup

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