Saturday, August 20, 2011

Not blogged for a bit but missed my dogs.

I haven't been updating my blog recently and for good reason too this time.

I've been really sick and didn't know it - until I was admitted into hospital and in ICU for 2 days and kept in a ward for a further 3 days - hmmmmm!!!!!!

My potassium levels dropped critically low - 1.5 and supposed to be 3.5 - 5. It's a scare 'cause such low potassium can cause cardiac arrest and death.

The doctors said it was from drinking too much Coke - WTF!!!!!! 4-6 litres per day is too much?????

So I'm on limited amounts of Coke now and drinking water mainly - along with the occassional tea and coffee. Missing it like mad but have to think of the dogs.

Angela and Tom were both Godsends and I couldn't have gotten by without them.

Angela took me into the hospital and has been my Angel ever since. Not only was she in the hospital visiting me all the time but also would bring me in clean clothes, went to the house and looked after the dogs and done the housework, not to mention umteen other stuff she done where she could've been at home with her own dogs and family.

Tom went over to mine after work and stayed over with the dogs - getting up at a such an early hour before work so he could walk my lot and his - in different batches.

Thank you soooooo much Angela and Tom for all you done - you are both champions xxx.

Also to Megan and my big sis Amanda, Nige and Jasmine for coming into see me and cheering me up. My poor wee Niece Jasmine got the fright of her life when she came into ICU and saw tubes connected from everywhere in my body - cheered her up when we said I would get cake and ice cream when in hospital.

And thanks to my mum and big sis and big bro in the UK. My mum was almost on a plane here and I had to make her promise not to come, i'd be fine and when she comes out it's to be on holiday and not as a carer. It was cute though when she asked if there was a spare bed she could have and move beside me in the ICU ward - mum it's ICU, lol. I have my own private nurse to watch me around the clock, lol.

I must also thank Jodes and Kriszty who were on the phone and let me know I'm loved :))) And to everyone who sent me well wishes.

Out now and heaps better. Gotta keep getting blood tests every 2 weeks to monitor my levels, etc.

Getting back into the swing of things - will take a good few months before I'm back to normal - as normal as I can be :))

1 comment:

Kriszty said...

You certainly did give everyone a major fright Jules..I hope you are feeling 100% now and the withdrawals aren't too bad!