Diva had her puppies - all ok including mum - wooooooohhhhhhoooooooo
She is such a good girl - yep she had the 3 pups that were spotted on the ultrasound - go Diva - not only that she had an extra 4 just for good luck.
Wee Diva managed to store 7 gorgeous puppies in that belly of hers.
It was on Saturday morning - around 1am ish and she was up and down, up and down off the bed. I knew the pups must be coming so of course had no intention of having a second of shut eye - even blinking became an annoyance, lol.
So of course she had puppy number one on my bed. The little munchkin was half out so I helped him all the way - then he didn't look like he was breathing - certainly wasn't moving - so now what - all that Deb Nook told me went out the window along with the "don't panic" - WTF.
So at this time it's 2.30 in the am - I called Megan and no answer - about 20 seconds later the phone goes - "She's had the first one" - "ok so is he breathing?" - "don't think so" - "ok get a towel" - and then the sound of - waaaaaahhhh waaaaaahhh - yip he's breathing - "so is she cleaning him and cutting the chord?" - "she's cleaning him but not cutting the chord" - "go get some cotton and scissors" - so though I go and grabbed the scissors and got some cotton wool to stop the bleeding - "ok got them - now what?" "you need to tie a knot on the chord - about 2-3cm from the pup" - what the...... the chords only about 4cm long - how can I tie a knot in this - so this conversation lasted about 3 or so minutes - me puzzled in the fact that the pup keeps moving, the chord is only short and how the heck am I going to get a knot in that - should have kept to the girl guides - sure they do knots - but the pup can't be looped around, pulled through and then the knot is tied - chord is way too short - "so tie the cotton around the chord and make a knot" - "ohhhh, cotton - I got cotton wool, doh - ok hang on - right got the cotton" "now tie the knot and cut the chord on Diva's side" "ok done that - awwwwww, thanks Megan - BTW how did you know it was a boy? hmmmm" - so I allowed Megan to go back to bed, lol and I carried little number one black and white boy with a more traditional markings into the nursery.
Not too long afterwards she had number 2 - a little split faced girl. She looked massive - wasn't any bigger than number one but I think the white on the face made her look bigger, awww, little black and white split faced girl. Number 3 can not too much later. Another little girl, awwwwwww. The third girl is very white faced, also black and white.
Then nothing for a while. I went through to put on the kettle to skull some more coffee - was around 5am at this point. I went back in and Diva was licking girl number 3 like mad - she was all soaking wet again - OMG she's trying to eat her - I rush over and grab the pup - hang on this one's a boy - what - oh sorry Diva - she had just had another pup. Another very white faced boy, black and white.
Not long after diva had another little girl - a gorgeous black and white little girl with a lovely wide white blaze that continues down through her collar.
At 7.30am Megan called to see how everything was and I was telling her about the other 4 and we were having a chuckle about me having a blonde moment with cotton wool - how funny - hang on the pups are crying - gotta go, she's probably lying on one of them - so I hang up and rush through - wow, she's just had another one - another split face little girl - quite white faced but more black than girl 3.
About 8.30 she had another girl - very very similar to the last one.
So that was that - 7 little dwarfs, all happy looking and pink nosed and squeeking, lol.
They were born on Saturday and this is now Thursday - day 5. Some of their markings have changed quite a lot already.
It looks at this point there will be 3 tri colours, 2 speckled black and white and 2 black and white - who knows though at this point, it could all change again in a week. The most important thing is that they are all ok, healthy and little fatties :-)
I'll do frequent updates on them and post some photos too.
Big thanks to Megan and Deb Nook, thank God all went ok and my little baby Diva is all ok - she may be a mummy now but is still my little blue eyed pup full of mischief - wonder what colour the pups eyes will be????
Cheers for now and here's a photo of the little tykes at 2 days old in order of birth
Ah so very cute and so many of them! Look forward to seeing them out and about :)
Way to go Diva! Beautiful babies!
LOL - they just kept coming.
Will be so cool to see them growing up. Will also be so hard to say goodbye - awwwwww.
Loving each and every minute with them and see a wee change in them every day.
Will keep the updates coming
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